Journey Through Our Archives

Our archive is more than just a repository—it’s a window into the history and development of our ideas. By exploring this content, you’ll gain a deeper understanding of the challenges and triumphs that have brought us to where we are today. Reflect on the past and look forward to the future with us. Explore the archive to see how far we’ve come.





Browse through insightful articles that have shaped our understanding of the healthcare system and fueled our passion for change.


See what others are saying about “Ripple of Change” and our approach to healthcare reform.

Interviews & Podcasts

Watch our television appearances where we discuss key issues, share personal stories, and outline our vision for a better healthcare future.

Other Materials

Explore various other content that highlights our journey and the steps we’ve taken to advocate for Our Quadruple Aim.

Our Blog

Rays of Hope: Inspiring Stories of Triumph and Resilience for Healthcare Heroes

Rays of Hope: Inspiring Stories of Triumph and…

In daily activities, one may not realise how…

The Secrets to Exceptional Healthcare Quality: A Must-Read Book for Healthcare Professionals

The Secrets to Exceptional Healthcare Quality: A Must-Read…

In today’s rapidly evolving healthcare landscape, achieving exceptional…

Our Collaborators

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